June 10, 2018

After Parkland*


I never thought anything would ever happen on guns. As I pointed out many times in this blog, Democrats were intimidated into silence on the issue by the NRA over 20 years ago and abandoned it entirely. Or joined the NRA side. So it wasn't an issue at all with Democrats or the liberal base, which was infuriating to say the least. But on the right, it's always been the direct opposite. Guns and "gun rights" have always been the issue, maybe even topping abortion. And it certainly wasn't ignored by the GOP. So the maniacs - inside and outside of government - had the issue all to themselves. They controlled it and dominated it.

So I never thought gun control would become the issue it should be despite a national epidemic of shootings, bloodshed and death. I also never thought I'd see massive nationwide protests for gun control. But we finally did. Unfortunately, it took 17 students to be killed and 14 wounded at a high school in Parkland, Florida. Not only did that mass shooting bring out a nationwide protest, but it finally turned gun control into the issue it should be on the left.

While we shouldn't expect any gun control laws to be passed by this Congress, the public relations battle goes overlooked. But it's very important. Let me explain.

One of the themes I keep bringing up in this blog is that on all issues, Democrats are 1) always on the defensive, 2) put themselves on the defensive, and 3) never put Republicans the defensive. And that shouldn't be brushed off as if it's no big deal. On the contrary. For decades, with help from the conservative media, Republicans have been spewing a relentless barrage of attacks, lies, hypocrisy, talking points, ridicule, propaganda, paranoia and conspiracies repeated over and over and over again. Tell a lie long enough and people the mindless and gullible will have believed it. And despite having a mountain of ammunition they could use against Republicans to prove them wrong, make them look foolish and put them on the defensive, Democrats never fire a single shot. And it's Democrats who are perennially on the defensive. And in politics, when you're on defense, you lose. Want proof? Despite their political terrorism, disastrous record and scorched Earth they always leave behind (literally and really literally), look at all the support the Republican Party has. Look at all the Republicans that have been elected nationally and at the state level, just since 2010. They keep getting elected because their lies, talking points and propaganda - such as "big government," "Democrats will take your guns away" and turning "liberal" into a dirty word - was never countered or responded to by Democrats.

The chances of enacting new national gun control laws, or even enforcing the gun laws that are already on the books, are zero. Yes, it's insane, but when talking about guns it's all insane. But in order to change that, the debate has to change. Minds have to be changed slapped upside the head. And you do that by going on the offensive and putting Republicans and gun owners on the defensive just like they put Democrats and the left on the defensive.

If anyone should be on the defensive after Parkland, and now after Santa Fe, it should be the NRA and pro-gun side. And they might have been for a little while. But it dissipates a week later as it always does. But while watching the news coverage after Parkland, I noticed that the students, the victims, were on the defensive. It goes unnoticed but it's important.

For example, when Parkland students turned up on the news programs in the days after the shooting, and even now four months later, inevitably, the news host would force them to admit that they "support the Second Amendment" and are not out to "ban guns" or "take them away." Even if the host doesn't ask such a pointed question to get these knee-jerk responses, the students would say it themselves. Probably because they think they have to say it because if anyone admitted that they "don't support the Second Amendment" or do want to "ban guns" it would be Armageddon. They would be verbally attacked and threatened by the NRA, the gun nuts and right-wing with the most vicious vitriol we have ever seen.

Anyway, here's the point. Because the Second Amendment has been hijacked and redefined (which I prove here and here), guns are constitutionally protected. But when abortion is the topic, which is also constitutionally protected, why is it perfectly alright for pro-life conservatives to go on news programs and don't have to admit that they don't want to ban abortion? Oh, wait. That's because they do want to ban abortion. That's their objective.

So there's no way that gun control advocates would or could say they want to ban guns, want to take them away, and don't support the Second Amendment. But when it comes to abortion, it's perfectly fine for someone to go on TV and say the right to choose should taken away.

How come news hosts don't force pro-life advocates to admit that they "support a woman's constitutional right" to an abortion and don't want to "ban abortion" like they force gun control advocates to admit that they "support the Second Amendment" and "don't want to ban guns" ("liberal" media, Ha!)? They can't because the objective of pro-life advocates is to ban abortion. But unlike gun control advocates who would get blasted for saying they want to ban guns, pro-life advocates get away with it because Democrats and liberals let them.

Also notice that Parkland students and Democrats walk on egg shells and practically have to apologize for requesting "reasonable" or "common sense" gun laws such as a banning assault rifles and closing the gun show loophole (which would force background checks on all gun sales). Meanwhile, the next time you hear pro-life advocates say they just want some "reasonable restrictions on abortion," it'll be the first time. Yes, they are for restrictions, but it's not as if they want them to ensure that abortions are safe. They're "for" restrictions - extreme restrictions - so they can, in effect, severely limit or in fact ban abortions in all or part of that state. My God, if there were so many restrictions on gun sales to the point where there was only one store in all of Montana or Mississippi that sold them, there would be blood in the streets.

So gun control advocates support the "Second Amendment," don't want to "ban guns," and just want "common sense" gun laws. The bar couldn't get any lower. But pro-life advocates and Republicans call for implement extreme "big government" anti-abortion restrictions and make no secret of the fact that they want Roe v Wade overturned so abortion can be banned.

See the double standards? Notice how Democrats and gun control advocates are put on the defensive but abortion opponents aren't? Notice how Democrats and gun control advocates put themselves on the defensive but abortion opponents don't? Notice how gun control advocates have to walk on egg shells, but abortion opponents don't? Notice how Democrats and gun control advocates would never admit that they want to ban guns, but abortion opponents are allowed to openly call for the banning of abortion? Notice how gun control advocates only call for minimal restrictions, but red states can implement extreme anti-abortion regulations to the point where there's only one clinic in an entire state that performs them?

But again, unlike gun control advocates, abortion opponents get away with all of it because Democrats and the left let them.

This is what I mean about being put on the defensive and putting yourself on the defensive. And that's what Democrats and gun control advocates do when they're forced to admit that they "support the Second Amendment," don't want to ban guns and call for "reasonable" gun laws. And we wonder why Democrats and the left lost the issue decades ago.

Democrats and gun control advocates shouldn't even bother bragging about their "support" for the Second Amendment. And they should also forget this nonsense about "reasonable" or "common sense" gun laws as well. Because what has all this appeasement, acquiescence and walking on egg shells accomplished on gun control all these years? Absolutely nothing. Besides, the gun nuts wouldn't believe them anyway! So why bother?

So gun control advocates might as well come out for extreme gun control measures because they're going to be accused of wanting to "take everyone's guns away" anyway. And besides, since our gun laws are insanely weak, "reasonable" restrictions on guns wouldn't be nearly enough. Hey, if Republicans want to make it harder and harder for a woman to get an abortion, and make it harder and harder to vote, then there's no reason why Democrats can't make it just as hard to buy guns. Only logical, right? But good luck with that because if you're looking for logic in these parts, you're not going to find it. Hypocrisy, yes, but not logic.

So when a news host forces a gun control advocate to admit that they don't want to ban guns, I wish he or she would get angry and ask him or her why they don't force pro-life advocates and Republicans to admit that they don't want to ban abortions. And then go on the offensive and say, "Yes, at the very least, assault rifles should be banned! They're weapons of war! They should never have been made legal to begin with! It's not debatable! And hand guns should be banned too! I know it's sacrilegious to call for such things, but that's only because Republicans, the NRA and gun owners made it so. So there's absolutely nothing wrong with those bans."

We're not going to get anywhere on guns until Democrats and gun control advocates get angry, stop walking on egg shells, go on the offensive and put Republicans, the NRA and gun owners on the defensive. That's how you take the issue back (an issue that should never have been lost to begin with).

Nothing illustrates Republican spin and propaganda on guns any better than their "response" to the Parkland and Santa Fe shootings. They had to blame something - anything - other than guns and the lack of strong gun control laws. So they came up with Ritalin, abortion, the media (naturally), schools and too many doors. And pornography. If it wasn't so serious, it would be laughable. It's infuriating if you ask me (this cartoon chart couldn't have summed up their "response" any better).

But since the sick gun culture in the country is a cult (inside a massive right-wing cult as this blog has proven), and since Republican voters and NRA members so mindless and gullible, they will believe it because they have to, to justify the propaganda that the GOP and NRA have been brainwashing them with all these years. No, all these shootings are not because of the guns or lack of gun control at all. It's all staged to take away my guns! A good guy with a gun will shoot a bad guy with a gun.

If you're looking for intelligence in these parts, you're not going to find that either. Insanity, yes. Hypocrisy, yes. And an overwhelming amount of both. But intelligence and logic? Forget it. You're not even close.

So it will always be something else. Never guns or the lack of gun control laws. Because as this blog has proven many times, Republicans and the right will never admit they've been wrong on guns, or anything else, because if they did, it would mean liberals were right. And they can not admit that. Ever. My God, they barely admitted they were wrong about Barack Obama's birthplace. Heck, they still haven't! So they will never, ever, admit they've been wrong about guns and gun violence. Rather look foolish and spin yourself into hypocritical knots, than to admit you've been wrong. Dead wrong. Hey, if you're stupid enough and brainwashed enough to buy the excuses that these shootings are because of Ritalin, abortion, the media, schools, too many doors and/or pornography, or were "false flag" operations, well, that's exactly what cults are! That's what cults would get you to believe!

Republicans also had to come up with something - anything - as a solution to the rash of school shootings. And again, since they'll never, ever, admit they've been wrong on guns, of course their "solution" - the only one they could possibly come up with - is to arm teachers.

As I said, when it comes to guns, it's all insanity.

It's hypocrisy of monumental proportion for Republicans and the right to get away with branding themselves as "pro-life," to an extreme, and pro-gun, to the extreme and against any and all gun laws. But it's not hypocrisy if you get away with it. And Republicans and the right have gotten away with it because Democrats never call them on it.

I have written a lot about guns in this blog and it's not just about an assault weapons ban and background checks on all gun sales. As insane as it sounds (there's that word again) gun control isn't only about mass shootings. Because in most cases, the guns were either purchased legally by the mad man, or taken from a family member, which is what happened in Santa Fe. True, if assault rifles and bump stocks weren't available it would make a difference (so they'd use a dozen hand guns instead).

But we shouldn't ignore the daily shootings that we don't hear about on the news. Not to minimize mass shootings that get all the media coverage, but it's the random street shootings that make up a vast majority of the gun violence. So gun control is mainly about the guns that are sold, and used, on America's streets every day. And a one gun per month limit and forcing purchasers of bullets to show ID, a gun license and the registration for the gun they're buying bullets for, are steps that would make a difference; a life and death difference. But Republicans will never go for it because it would prove them wrong. Better for "pro-lifers" to spin all this gun violence, and get away with it, than admit that those Commie Pinko evil "gun grabbing" liberals were right.

Also, and perhaps even more important, this sick fascination with guns has to be addressed. And it is a sick fascination.

Guns are not toys and they're not household necessities. But the way the NRA and Republicans have "sold" the gun propaganda to the mindless and gullible, all wrapped up in the American flag, you'd think guns were video games, cars or cell phones. Well, they're not.

We can advise Americans not to keep wild animals as pets, "not to play with matches" and to "leave fireworks to the experts." We can tell people not to smoke, not to abuse drugs or consume foods and drinks that are loaded with fat and/or sugar. But thanks to fierce intimidation by the NRA, you're not allowed to say anything negative about guns, let alone tell Americans not to buy them. And in effect, they have manufactured an acceptance and normalization of guns. Sick. Insane. Cult.

Well, nothing will change until that changes. But it won't because like a gun control advocate who does want to ban guns or, heaven forbid, doesn't support the Second Amendment, and does talk about this sick fascination with guns he/she would be unmercifully attacked and threatened.

As I said, when it comes to guns, it's all insanity.

Ninety-six people are shot and killed by guns in the United States every day. Throw in those that are shot, but survive, plus crimes in which guns are used, fired or not, as well as suicides, accidental shootings and shootings involving a toddlers, and the total number of incidents with guns must run into the hundreds every single day. And yet, nothing is done about it. "Pro-life" my foot.

But imagine if there were less shootings; say only 48 were shot and killed on an average day. Or just 24. Gun control would be even less of an an issue then it is now. But we're not doing anything now.

My point is that there shouldn't be gun violence. This problem should have been addressed decades ago Instead, red states made it easier to buy guns, made assault rifles and bump stocks legal, and implemented "right to carry" and "stand your ground" laws. And last year the Republican Congress and "President" Trump reversed the Obama law that prevented the mentally ill from buying guns (yep, allowing the mentally ill to buy guns is exactly what this country needs. Goes to show you where the GOP's priorities are, doesn't it?). Therefore, since we're not doing anything about guns now, then we'd be doing even less if gun violence was a fraction of what it is now. Think about it.

Why does it have to be this bad for guns to be an issue? How many Americans have to be shot to finally act and implement strong, national gun control? Ask a silly question...

There is no number because we're dealing with a cult here. And Democrats, Parkland students and gun control advocates have to realize that.

You know, maybe if this country had a sick cult-like fascination with books, music, the arts, culture, museums, libraries and education instead of guns, this country would be a hell of a lot better off. But try pointing that out. The response from Republicans, the NRA and gun nuts would prove me right.

Note: In a post last December, Markos Moulitsas, the founder of Daily Kos, said he didn't think Democrats should use guns as an issue in the 2018 mid-terms because it would inflame Republican voters and increase turnout on the right. That made me angry. So I sent him an email in January, a month before Parkland. Here's the email.

June 14 insert:

I underestimated the conspiracies and "false flag" propaganda that surround these mass shootings. There's actually a strong and concerted effort to label the victims of these shootings as "crisis actors," playing the parts of grieving and emotional "mothers," "fathers," "students" and "eyewitnesses," to force the implementation of gun control laws and to take everyone's guns away. Sandy Hook? Fake. Parkland? Fake. They're all actors.

That's off-the-charts lunacy, right? Of course it is. But those who have to believe it, believe it. And that's all that matters. It's a cult!

Samantha Bee devoted a segment to this "crisis actor" propaganda and while it's infuriating to watch, it shows just how organized and sick this cult is. Part 1 is here and part 2, here.

June 21 insert:

Since this cult can't have their voters, readers, listeners or viewers wise up and leave, they'll do whatever is necessary to keep them mindless, gullible and believing. As I pointed out, since the right can't argue facts on guns, they have to con the members of this cult by telling them that these mass shootings are fake and the victims are really "actors." Well, since they can't argue facts when it comes to "President" Trump ripping children out of the arms of their asylum-seeking parents at the boarder, and kidnapping them, ultra-conservative garbage dump of a person Ann Coulter is accusing these crying children of being actors too.

So first it was shooting victims who were "actors" and now it's kidnapped and parentless immigrant children. Who will be next? Americans who say their water is tainted with lead? Farmers who lose money because of Trump's tariffs?

And the right-wing Nazi-like propaganda machine is getting into the act on this horror story as well. Blatantly and unapologetically bend-over-backwards pro-GOP Sinclair Broadcasting is forcing it's affiliates to run a video segment of obnoxious lies and spin on their news programs - presented as legitimate news and opinion - that only a member of this cult would believe, here. (June 26 insert: More here.)

Yes, they need their voters, readers, viewers and listeners to be this mindless, gullible and stupid. And brainwashed. On guns every issue. And tens of millions of Americans are.

June 29 insert:

Even though saying anything negative about guns or telling someone not to buy them wouldn't be tolerated because of NRA intimidation, pro-life conservatives try very hard to persuade woman who are considering an abortion, not to go through with it. They lie to them, they harass them and they block the entrance to the clinic. Can you imagine if gun control advocates shouted insults to customers as they were walking into a gun store? Can you imagine if they blocked the entrance? Can you imagine if they tracked the license plates of the store owner, employees and/or customers? There would be blood in the streets.

So here's another double standard that the right gets away with because the left allows them to.

August 9 insert:

Pro-life groups have been able to force health clinics to read specified text to women seeking an abortion. In this text, they not only want to deny the truth to woman, such as access to abortion services, but also force these health centers to lie by telling them that having an abortion increases the risk of breast cancer.

Can you imagine if clerks at gun stores were forced warn perspective gun buyers of the risks associated with owning guns? Can you imagine if gun control groups went further and were able to load these warnings with made-up statistics and risks? Okay, they wouldn't have to do that because the statistics speak for themselves. But made them even worse then what they are?

Again, there would be blood in the streets.

Here's yet another double standard the right gets away with because the left allows them to.

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