August 1, 2013
The Democrats and Immigration Reform
This blog has proven that Democrats are saps who allow Republicans to walk all over them, most recently, here
and here. One of the points I've made is that Democrats have fostered Republican double standards. And here's more proof of that.One of the aspects of the immigration reform bill is $46 billion for more border security that Republicans
Sure, the borders can always use more fencing and more patrols. But that doesn't mean we should be spending $46 billion if it won't make that much of a difference, especially if it will be just another pork-filled handout to private industry.
With this kind of spending, it's very important to be practical, and make sure taxpayers get the most bang for the buck (which is something politicians never understand, but that's another story). For instance, can the $46 billion be better spent on health care, infrastructure, mass transit, education, cancer research and/or green technology R&D? Sure, you can ask that question about all government spending. But was there even a thoughtful discussion to determine if the borders really do need a $46 billion upgrade? Granted, this is Washington and the next time there's a thoughtful discussion about anything, it'll be the first time. But I hope we're not taking the Republican's word for it because they scream for tax cuts after taxes are cut. So of course they're going to want more money for border security, whether it's needed or not. The hell with fiscal responsibility. Republicans just want to take a hard line on illegals because that's what keeps their moronic base all riled up; and in the process, hand work orders to their politically-connected friends (another example of politicians doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons, but that too is a another story).
But you see how things work? When Republicans want something that we may not really need, or may not be all that practical, Democrats just give it to them. No questions asked. Whatever it takes to get the bill through. But when Democrats want something, forget it. It'll be over the Republican's dead bodies.
Also, where's the $46 billion in spending cuts to pay for this additional border security? Because whenever Democrats call for "additional deficit spending," Republicans force them to come up with corresponding "offsets" to pay for it. Hell, Republicans do it for them!
So where's the offsets for the $46 billion? They're aren't any!
Apparently, they're coming from the money that will be saved from immigration reform. But can you imagine if Democrats wanted billions of dollars to subsidize say health insurance for the uninsured, and "pay for it" with the money the government would save from not having to pay out of pocket for the uninsured's health care costs? There's no way Republicans would allow Democrats to get away with that. But Republicans are getting away with $46 billion in new deficit spending without any offsets. And there's not a word about it from Democrats.
So you see how things work? When Republicans want something, Democrats not only give it to them, but they don't force Republicans to come up with spending cuts to pay for it. But when Democrats want something, forget it. Not gonna happen, unless it's something like Hurricane Sandy emergency relief aid. Republicans will let them have that...eventually. And not without a long, drawn out fight (see, also, the 9/11 First Responders bill). And Democrats have to pay every penny of it with real dollar for dollar spending cuts.
And I don't want to hear that this $46 billion for border security is what "compromise" is all about. Either we need $46 billion in border security, and it would be money well spent, or it isn't. It shouldn't be in the bill at all if it's not needed or not practical. And if it is needed, whether it's $46 billion or $46 Republicans should be forced to come up with offsets to pay for it just like Democrats would be forced to (even more so since it's not emergency relief aid).
But Republicans aren't. Why? Because the bullied and intimidated Democrats are wimps and allow these Republican double standards to take hold.
On another note, more patrols and more fencing at the border is the typical "solution" to the immigration problem that you'd expect from the ignorant. It's like "thinking" that more jails and more guns in the hands of "law abiding citizens" are legitimate ways to stop crime (you're better off putting a fraction of that money into midnight basketball and drug treatment centers). Or that "killing all the terrorists" by dropping one bomb after another will make us safer (which just creates more terrorists that we'll have to drop more bombs on, which creates more terrorists that we'll have to drop more bombs on, and the ignorant, insane cycle continues).
These impulsive, impractical, short-sighed, political-pandering, 19th century "solutions" won't solve problems. They just waste time, money and resources. Sure, $46 billion pumped into the borders will help, but it won't make that much of a difference. And in a few years, Republicans will come back and
But all this may be all academic anyway since House Republicans are dragging their feet on the bill because they have to keep their moronic base perpetually engaged at Obama and the Democrats. And they do that with their usual pugnacious and partisan confrontations with Democrats - even if they get what they want, and even if it means alienating themselves even further from Hispanics - and blocking the legislation, or any legislation. The country be damned.
And by blowing up the process, it's win-win for Republicans because 1) nothing gets done which is always a victory for the GOP, and 2) they can blame Obama for it (if that's contradictory, well, welcome to the world of Republican politics). And that further inflames their base and the manipulated, manufactured and brainwashed hatred they have for him and Democrats, which Democrats have allowed to fester for years. And the ignorant, insane cycle continues.
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