September 21, 2008

The Republican Cult*


As I've proven here, here, here and here the Republican Party is a cult. And after observing the powerful G.O.P. propaganda machine in action the last few weeks - the convention, "the Sarah Palin show," the spin, the lies, the hypocrisy, the attacks against Barack Obama, and how it all came together to solidify the Republican base - they continue to prove me right.

The leaders of this cult are experts at manipulation and using the media to get the reaction they want from their followers, or "believers." I must admit, their plan, implementation and execution was flawless, as it usually is (if only they governed as well).

Then again, when you have tens of millions of followers, who can not think for themselves, and who've been conditioned to automatically believe whatever they're told by their leaders, through their conservative media, it makes it very easy.

The cult-like frenzy

I did not watch Sarah Palin's speech at the convention. I started to, but by the third sentence I had enough. What did it for me was her tone and arrogant expression on her face. I've seen it and heard it before from the likes of Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. So in a matter of seconds, Palin told me who she was, why she was there and what was coming. And from what I read and saw afterwards, Palin might as well have come out holding a gun in one hand, a bible in the other and wearing a bandanna that read "liberals R evil."

I'm glad I didn't watch her speech. And I'm glad I didn't watch John McCain or any of the speeches the following night either:

Salon's Glenn Greenwald:

With last night's cheerfully vicious speeches from Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin, the Republicans did what they always do in order to win elections: they exploited raw cultural divides while mocking, belittling and demonizing Democratic leaders. Yet again, they delivered brutally effective and deeply personal blows to the Democratic presidential candidate grounded in the same manipulative and deceitful yet very potent themes they've been using for the last three decades...

When I heard that the delegates chanted "drill, baby, drill" at Rudy Guliani's direction, my thoughts of the convention pushed me beyond anger and into fear. It wasn't the words so much, it was why they were chanting it, who they were chanting it to and the cult-like frenzy behind it (I didn't have to hear it to know).

You'd think that most some a few a handful of the delegates would know that "drilling" is impractical, shortsighted and won't

As I've proven here, here, here and here the Republican Party is a cult. And after observing the powerful G.O.P. propaganda machine in action the last few weeks - the convention, "the Sarah Palin show," the spin, the lies, the hypocrisy, the attacks against Barack Obama, and how it all came together to solidify the Republican base - they continue to prove me right.

The leaders of this cult are experts at manipulation and using the media to get the reaction they want from their followers, or "believers." I must admit, their plan, implementation and execution was flawless, as it usually is (if only they governed as well).

Then again, when you have tens of millions of followers, who can not think for themselves, and who've been conditioned to automatically believe whatever they're told by their leaders, through their conservative media, it makes it very easy.

The cult-like frenzy

I did not watch Sarah Palin's speech at the convention. I started to, but by the third sentence I had enough. What did it for me was her tone and arrogant expression on her face. I've seen it and heard it before from the likes of Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. So in a matter of seconds, Palin told me who she was, why she was there and what was coming. And from what I read and saw afterwards, Palin might as well have come out holding a gun in one hand, a bible in the other and wearing a bandanna that read "liberals R evil."

I'm glad I didn't watch her speech. And I'm glad I didn't watch John McCain or any of the speeches the following night either:

Salon's Glenn Greenwald:

With last night's cheerfully vicious speeches from Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin, the Republicans did what they always do in order to win elections: they exploited raw cultural divides while mocking, belittling and demonizing Democratic leaders. Yet again, they delivered brutally effective and deeply personal blows to the Democratic presidential candidate grounded in the same manipulative and deceitful yet very potent themes they've been using for the last three decades...

When I heard that the delegates chanted "drill, baby, drill" at Rudy Guliani's direction, my thoughts of the convention pushed me beyond anger and into fear. It wasn't the words so much, it was why they were chanting it, who they were chanting it to and the cult-like frenzy behind it (I didn't have to hear it to know).

You'd think that most some a few a handful of the delegates would know that "drilling" is impractical, shortsighted and won't solve our energy needs. But then why chant it? Notice, they weren't chanting something a bit more practical, such as "go green, baby, go green" (or even "health care for all, baby, health care for all," or "cut the deficit, baby cut the deficit")?

No. It was "drill, baby, drill."

The New York Times, Tom Friedman

(The chant)...reminds me of someone who, on the eve of the I.T. revolution — on the eve of PCs and the Internet — is pounding the table for America to make more I.B.M. typewriters and carbon paper. "Typewriters, baby, typewriters."

That's what cults, and this one in particular, is all about, Tom. Ideas do not matter. Creativity and imagination does not matter. Practical solutions do not matter. Honest, intelligent and mature policy discussions do not matter.

What mattered to the delegates and the voters who sent them to St. Paul, none of whom can think for themselves, was twofold: sticking a finger in the eye of "liberals," and stubbornly sticking to the conservative viewpoint, the cult's viewpoint, even if it would take us back to the "solutions" of 20th century.

Getting their followers to ignore the facts and logic is nothing new. This party/cult got their followers to believe that President Clinton had Mohammed Atta released from an Israeli jail in 1993. They have to because they're unable to think for themselves and that's what they've been told. The fact that the story was an Internet hoax doesn't matter (and Oliver North did not warn the 1987 Iran-Contra committee about Osama bin Laden and Al Gore wasn't a member of that committee either).

The Republican base believes that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. They have to because it "justifies" the war. And since they're unable to think for themselves and that's what they've been told, they believe it. The fact that Saddam Hussein did not have WMDs doesn't matter.

In remarks to a brigade of soldiers that was being deployed to Iraq that included her son, Gov. Palin said their mission was to "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans." Of course she did because the base believes there was a 9/11 connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden despite facts to the contrary, including George Bush who admitted as much in 2003.

But the leaders of this cult will continue to repeat the lie so their followers will continue to believe it. And that's all that matters.

November, 2008 insert: The G.O.P. propaganda machine is going all out to not only insure that the conservative philosophy of "less government" and "deregulation" does not take the blame for the Wall St. collapse, but also to place the blame on - who else? - Democrats and the brand new enemy this cult has handed to their followers: ACORN. While the public at large won't buy this, or even hear of this "campaign," it's not meant for them. It's meant to hand talking points and "red meat" to the followers. And they'll believe it just like they always do. The propaganda, the lies, and the facts are here, here, here, here and here. December, 2008 insert: and here.

This stubbornness is rooted in immature conservative pride: not allowing "liberals" to "win the argument." Because if Saddam Hussein did not have WMDs, and there was no 9/11 connection between Hussein and bin Laden, then the war would be a lie, making the followers wrong and the hated liberals right.

So as long as this cult can blur the facts and spin the evidence, and get their members to believe it, then conservatives - the followers - will never have to admit they've been wrong all this time.

So even though drilling is not in the their interests, their children's interests or their grandchildren's interest, they've convinced themselves that drilling is in their interests because that's what the Republican Party/Cult told them. So when the delegates were being whipped into a frenzy, they couldn't have been more happy to chant "drill, baby, drill," on cue, to tick off liberals and to show support for Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela and "Big Oil" their party and an extremely impractical solution. Cults will make you do that.

Creating firestorms and diversions

Since they can't win Presidential elections by discussing the issues as adults intelligently at all, the only way for Republicans to have a chance is to secure their base which they hadn't done prior to the convention. So John McCain and the G.O.P. had to rally the troops and unite the party in St. Paul. How would they do that? They needed to create a firestorm where they came under attack by the so called "liberal media," which is the party's/cult's number two enemy, right behind liberals (both very convenient to have).

This would force the base to come to their party's aid, bringing with them their unconditional support and unity. It would also create diversions from the real issues, which was the second part to this elaborate, manipulative plan.

How would they create this firestorm and attack? By tossing out the best bait they could: nominating an unknown, staunch conservative female as Vice President. And the media didn't have a choice, they went for it. They had to find out who this overnight "celebrity" was that could ultimately be one heartbeat away from the Presidency. And with their powerful propaganda machine, the G.O.P. and R.N.C. spun the media's "frenzied" coverage into "an unfair attack on a conservative" from the "liberal media," the "angry left," and the liberal blogesphere. And the base answered the call, bringing with them their anger, support and unity.

Republican spin and lies, too many to link to, was coordinated with attacks and lies, also too many to link to, against Barack Obama. And that only added more fuel to the firestorm.

It was a bombardment coming and going from all sides using a variety of forms of media, new and old.

Health care? Energy? Social Security and Medicare? The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Immigration? The economy? The budget deficit and raising debt (for those of you who have been distracted, the debt passed the $9 trillion mark two weeks ago, an all-time high. October, 2008 insert: It just surpassed the $10 trillion mark -- and that does not include the $850 billion Wall St. bailout, nor the "spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terror and supplemental items." By contrast, when President Clinton took office the debt was $6.4 trillion. And after paying off over $3 trillion, lowered it to a paltry $3.2 trillion. So President Bush and his "party" almost quadrupled the national debt. And to think the G.O.P. refer to themselves as "the party of responsibility." Another October, 2008 insert: And it would have been a worse, a lot worse, if Bush was able to privatize Social Security in 2005 and invested the money in the stock market. Credit Robert Scheer for pointing that out.)?

The Washington Post

On a day when the Congressional Budget Office warned of looming deficits and a grim economic outlook, when the stock market faltered even in the wake of the government’s rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, when President Bush discussed the road ahead in Iraq and Afghanistan, on what did the campaign of Senator John McCain spend its energy? A conference call to denounce Senator Barack Obama for using the phrase ‘lipstick on a pig’ and a new television ad accusing the Democrat of wanting to teach kindergartners about sex before they learn to read.

Yea, so? While the McCain campaign was adding fuel to this firestorm, they were solidifying the Republican base and closing the gap in the polls.

"Putting country first mission accomplished."

So the convention and Palin's roll out was solely about the G.O.P. and R.N.C. using their massive and powerful propaganda machine to whip the Republican base into a frenzy at the "liberal media" so they can "change the subject," tear Barack Obama down and drive his "negative" poll numbers up.

If the best things Palin accomplished as Governor were to sell the state jet, opposing the "bridge to nowhere" (even though she was for it before she was against it), "reformed government" (even though she didn't here, here, here, here and here) and "has foreign policy experience" because she can "see Russia from Alaska," we should all be embarrassed; not because the bar couldn't have been set any lower, but why she was chosen.

She's vastly overrated, inexperienced, a liar and has done absolutely nothing that would warrant her inclusion on a national ticket. So casting her in this role wasn't about experience, intelligence, responsible governance or "reforming government" (if it was, then their campaign wouldn't be spinning as much as they are). And that illustrates the power of this cult because their mindless, gullible and brainwashed followers are the ones who bought it, bought her and made it happen - just as they were told to - no questions asked.

With the "convention bounce" appearing to flatten and Obama regaining his lead in the polls, just watch. Now that they have their base back, John McCain and Sarah Palin will fire the only bullet they have left: they'll accuse Obama and the Democrats as being "liberals" (Boogoody boogoody boo!). Because win or lose, that's how the leaders of this cult will keep and control their members. And they have to, because without them there's no power.

October, 2008 insert: I was wrong. They haven't accused him of being "a liberal" - yet. Only a terrorist.

November 1, 2008 insert: Told ya.

Control and power

The main objective of a cult is to control their followers and to keep them believing. Therefore, it's up to the leaders of the cult to keep their followers on a tight leash (so they never see the light), and strip them of their self-respect and the ability to think for themselves.

With the help of their own extremely powerful conservative media - talk radio and Fox "News" - the G.O.P. and R.N.C. have been masters at this. First, they manufactured enemies: "liberals" and the "liberal media." That's where you'll find the foundation of this cult's hatred and the tight leash.

Second, they have a mantra that they've repeated over and over again for decades: "liberal media," "big government," "less government," "let the free market decide," "lower taxes," and "freedom," just name a few.

Say something long enough and the weak minded have believed it. And that's where the ability to think for yourself is lost.

"Liberal media" is one of the important mantras. Putting aside whatever bias the media has, for the last thirty years the Republican Party has conned their followers into believing the media is liberal. So the party and its individual politicians have conveniently insulated themselves from any bad press. And that's really all that matters to the leaders anyway because even they know that anyone who can think for themselves will never become "a follower."

George Bush lied the country into an unnecessary war and it's turned into a colossal disaster? "It's the 'liberal media,' you can't believe it." John McCain's a flip-flopper? "It's the 'liberal media,' you can't believe it." The media's attacking Sarah Palin "unfairly?" "It's the 'liberal media,' you can't believe it."

And that's what's scary. The followers don't believe it.

October, 2008 insert: More proof that the followers provide the G.O.P. with a hateful, vengeful, "mob mentality" defense against the media is here. And it turns criminal - not to mention scary - when John McCain incites the followers to scream "kill him (Obama)" "(he's a) terrorist" and "treason." You know, I'd bet there were shouts of "kill the Jews" at Adolph Hitler rallies, one of the many eerie similarities between the Nazis and Republican Party.

October, 2008 insert: When a nasty cult like this fills and controls its followers with so much hate and anger, it shouldn't be a surprise when it comes to this and this. Keep in mind, the followers weren't calling Obama "a terrorist" until they were told to by their leaders, proving once again they believe what they're told, do what they're told and can not think for themselves. So they're a lot like dogs. But at least they get to run around without their leash once in a while (I'm referring to the dogs).

Also, there's negative stories on Republicans that don't get the coverage they deserve (George Bush's gross incompetence preceding 9/11), or delayed coverage by the liberal New York Times (Bush's warrantless wiretapping) out of the media's fear of Republicans attacking them. So the G.O.P. and R.N.C. have done an excellent job of "working the refs" over the years decades.

And despite the disastrous record that "less government" and "letting the free market decide" has had - the collapse Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG, Enron, the mortgage industry and the stock market - and despite what deregulation has done to the country, Republicans will still repeat those two talking points over and over again on the campaign trail because they've brainwashed their followers into believing them. No questions asked.

Of course that's insane (some would say, cult-like). It would be like a compulsive gambler who lost everything and just declared bankruptcy still believing that "the lottery is the best route to prosperity."

And Republicans and their followers will never admit they've been wrong by supporting "big government" re-regulation, because that would prove liberals right. Instead, they'll blame the economic collapse on Democrats, liberals and/or "the (incompetent) government." (October, 2008 insert: Well, they've proven me right. They blamed Jimmy Carter even thought it's not his fault).

When it comes to the country's private health care system, we've basically kept government out it for 200 years and allowed the "free market to decide." And yet, before a Democrat even opens his mouth, the followers, on cue from the their glorious leaders, will scream, "socialized medicine!" (Boogoody boogoody boo!).

This is why diverting attention and creating so much "noise" around the facts is paramount to the Republican Party/Cult. They need to obstruct any intelligent, honest and mature policy debate out of their fear of the facts coming out and the followers believing them (fat chance as it is). So the leaders use lies, spin, hypocrisy and attacks to control the message their members receive in order gain and hold on to power. And they do that by creating enemies and repeating the same Republican philosophy/talking points over and over again, even if when after they lead to disaster; at which time Republicans will blame a Democrat (here, here and here). October, 2008 insert: And/or their convenient enemy, the so called liberal media (here).

Insulting their own intelligence

Conservative Thomas Sowell on Barack Obama:

There is no reason why someone as arrogant, foolishly clever and ultimately dangerous as Barack Obama should become president -- especially not at a time when the threat of international terrorists with nuclear weapons looms over 300 million Americans.

Only a conservative that's trying to rile up this cult's believers and followers would attack liberals with accusations that, well, describes Republicans!

Obama's "arrogant?" With his attacks on partisan politics, his dreams of "one America" - as opposed Karl Rove's "divided America" - and the gracious way he treated Hillary Clinton (despite the way she treated him)? If anyone's not arrogant, it's Obama.

If anyone's arrogant, it's the Bush Administration.

Obama's "dangerous?" Compared to the corrupt, incompetent (here and here too), criminal and war criminal in the White House? But John McCain, who wants to bomb Iran isn't (yup, makes sense to me!). And it turns out that Dick Cheney wanted to bomb Iran too. I won't hold my breath waiting for Mr. Sowell to say he's "dangerous."

There are worse things spewing out of other conservatives. But the point I'm trying to make here is that I'd be embarrassed to write what Mr. Sowell did because it would indicate an extremely high level of hypocrisy, an extremely low level of intellect, a serious mental condition, or all three. But he wrote it anyway.

Either that or Mr. Sowell and the rest of the conservatives who attack like this are just trying to write something they know their readers/followers will praise. But they're not only insulting their reader's intelligence, assuming they had any to begin with, they're insulting their own intelligence, assuming they had any to begin with, because they wind up looking foolish after being proven wrong, a hypocrite or both.

But that's what cults get you to do..."for the cause."

October, 2008 insert: Via Glenn Greenwald, Mr. Sowell's stupidity is surpassed by the hypocrisy, and chutzpah, of conservatives Ed Morrissey and Mark Levin.

What's really scary is that there will always be a very long line of conservatives who'd like to surpass them.

October, 2008 insert: Didn't take long for Mr. Levin to do it again.

March, 2009 insert: Ari Fleischer takes the lead!

The Brainwashing

It's gotten to the point that if carnivals still had "freak" shows, conservatives would have to be put on display because I would be able to stare at them with the same curiosity I'd have with Siamese twins. Seriously. How can any normal human being believe what they believe? How could anyone defend the "conservative agenda" and this administration with the disastrous and criminal record they have?

How could they have the nerve to attack, ridicule and insult Barack Obama and Democrats as if they could possibly do a worse job? If anyone should be rolling their eyes at anyone else, it's liberals at conservatives!

How can they still believe in "less government" and "letting the free market decide" when their own health care costs/insurance are rising (or losing insurance altogether), their investments are tanking and they - as taxpayers - are on the hook for $1 trillion to bail out Wall St. (oh, it's the Democrats fault)?

How can these followers believe, and repeat word for word, the mountain of spin (and here, here, here, here, here, here and here) spewing from their leaders?

How can these followers ignore the mountain of hypocrisy (and here, here, here, here, here, here and here), spewing from their leaders? And it's done with a straight face, which is more proof this party is a cult because you have to be mentally ill and/or under the spell of a cult if you're not cracking a smile while saying something like this (the 3:40 mark) when you have a record like this.

How can the leaders of this party and their sycophant conservative pundits and columnists, willingly insult their own intelligence by setting themselves up to be proven wrong and look foolish (Nov. 2009 insert: like this)? Which leads me to ask...

How can the followers still put all their trust in their leaders and conservative media - no questions asked - when it's in the interest of their leaders and media to lie to them?

After spending months questioning Barack Obama's "lack of experience," how can the party/cult get away with insulting the intelligence of their followers by saying that Sarah Palin has foreign policy "experience" because she visited her National Guard troops in Iraq and can "see Russia from her state" (it's so laughable that they would have been better off admitting she has no foreign policy experience. But that goes to show just how important spin and handing talking points to the followers is.)?

This is where I would have added, "assuming the followers had any intelligence to insult to begin with." But that's what cults do. Cults take away the intellect. Cults take away the ability to reason. Cults take away the ability to think.

Cults control. Cults brainwash. For power.


Hate, anger, lies, arrogance, belligerence, insults, ridicule, personal attacks and a mountain of spin and hypocrisy. That's all we get from this cult and their followers. No original thought - no thought, period - no ideas, no creativity, no imagination and no honest, intelligent debate, ever.

No personality, no individuality and each and every one of them "think" exactly alike.

If that's not a cult, what is?

Note: I must apologize for all the inserts. But it's not my fault the Republicans keep providing me with additional material that allows me to prove my point more and more.

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