July 29, 2007

The Republican Party's True Intentions are Revealed*


With postings on this blog titled The Truth Behind George Bush, The Nazis and the GOP - This is scary, Bush's Brainwashed Base, The Republican Party is a Cult and I'm Sick and Tired of Republicans, I knew what the true intentions of Republican Party were a long time ago. But for those who still don't "get it," I suggest they look back a couple of weeks to the GOP's reactions surrounding two separate events - the Live Earth concerts and the movie, Sicko - because their twisted priorities couldn't have been made any more clear.

Although the issues Al Gore and Michael Moore were addressing were different, their objectives were the same: to raise awareness and spark an overdue debate on global warming and our health care system so those problems can be addressed and eventually solved. Who could possibly argue with that?


While these concerts were taking place and Sicko was being shown in theaters all over the country, the Republican Party and their base was on the attack. Attacking everyone involved with nasty insults, immature ridicule and incredulous accusations of hypocrisy (I'll see their hypocrisy here, and raise them this, this, this, this, this and this).

Let's at least give Gore credit for donating his time to lead the cause against global warming. That's more then I can say for others. Because with nothing better to do with their lives, the right kept a running count of not only Gore's environmental hypocrisy, but the hypocrisy from the musicians and audiences as well.

However, Gore could have ridden to the concert by bicycle and walked on stage in biodegradable clothing. But the moment he stepped into an RV, Republicans would have had to be held down by rope. So conservatives, who are holding Gore and every other environmentalist to impossible standards, are foaming at the mouth just waiting for one of them to turn on a light bulb.

I suppose cynicism and incredulousness is all the Republican Party and their base can contribute to this important global effort.

As far as Sicko is concerned, like Gore, Moore also came under attack. If only Fox "News" and the so called "liberal media" were half as thorough fact checking the Bush administration.

Be that as it may; if "socialized medicine" - a GOP phrase that works exactly as intended - is so bad, why aren't the people of Canada, Europe and the Far East breaking down the walls of their governments, demanding an American-style health care system? Quite the contrary, in fact. When conservatives win power in these countries and try to privatize their systems, it's the public that has to be held down by rope.

But that's all besides the point. Because when the opportunity was there to engage, join the discussion, and debate issues no one can disagree - a cleaner planet, lower utility costs and affordable health care for all - Republicans did what they always do: attack, ridicule and insult.

Had conservatives instead offered their support for these causes (insert your own incredulousness here), participated in the discussions as intelligent, mature adults (insert laughter here) and offered practical ideas of their own (insert hysterical laughter here), maybe the future private plane Al Gore rides in would be more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly. And maybe they'd see a reduction in their utility and health care costs too. And that's what Live Earth and Sicko were about; not to hand the right ammunition in the form of cynical talking points. But that's exactly how they used them. Of course.

Other then their pugnacious temperament, contemptuous tone, antagonistic attitude and obstructionist intentions, what has the Republican Party and their base ever brought to the legislative table? Other then unimaginative talking points such as "less government," "lower taxes" and "letting the free market decide,"* what ideas have they offered? Other then a feckless, arrogant, incompetent and disastrous political agenda, what have they given the country? Other then creating a venomous political atmosphere that couldn't be more partisan, what have they accomplished?

Nothing, except that's exactly what they wanted to accomplish.

You see, the Republican Party and their base don't want to have a free and open exchange of ideas in a sincere, adult manner. Not because they're unable to defend their ignorant opinions with facts and logic - which they can't - but because their priorities aren't to prevent or solve problems. Ever. It's to usurp power, gain power, control power and hold onto power (see the Bush administration).

Therefore, since they couldn't be more wrong on the issues and are basically standing alone in the world when it comes to the environment and health care (and guns and abortion), Republicans can not, under any circumstances allow the facts, or logic, to come out - out of their fear of being proven wrong - because that would put their base and ultimately their power at risk (fat chance as it is).

So when a liberal tries to bring the facts to light, intelligently - whether it's Al Gore, Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann, Sy Hersh, Rep. John Murtha, Patrick Fitzgerald, Valerie Plame, her husband, Joe Wilson, or even Jon Stewart or Bill Maher (October 2007 insert: or even a 12 year old kid

With postings on this blog titled The Truth Behind George Bush, The Nazis and the GOP - This is scary, Bush's Brainwashed Base, The Republican Party is a Cult and I'm Sick and Tired of Republicans, I knew what the true intentions of Republican Party were a long time ago. But for those who still don't "get it," I suggest they look back a couple of weeks to the GOP's reactions surrounding two separate events - the Live Earth concerts and the movie, Sicko - because their twisted priorities couldn't have been made any more clear.

Although the issues Al Gore and Michael Moore were addressing were different, their objectives were the same: to raise awareness and spark an overdue debate on global warming and our health care system so those problems can be addressed and eventually solved. Who could possibly argue with that?


While these concerts were taking place and Sicko was being shown in theaters all over the country, the Republican Party and their base was on the attack. Attacking everyone involved with nasty insults, immature ridicule and incredulous accusations of hypocrisy (I'll see their hypocrisy here, and raise them this, this, this, this, this and this).

Let's at least give Gore credit for donating his time to lead the cause against global warming. That's more then I can say for others. Because with nothing better to do with their lives, the right kept a running count of not only Gore's environmental hypocrisy, but the hypocrisy from the musicians and audiences as well.

However, Gore could have ridden to the concert by bicycle and walked on stage in biodegradable clothing. But the moment he stepped into an RV, Republicans would have had to be held down by rope. So conservatives, who are holding Gore and every other environmentalist to impossible standards, are foaming at the mouth just waiting for one of them to turn on a light bulb.

I suppose cynicism and incredulousness is all the Republican Party and their base can contribute to this important global effort.

As far as Sicko is concerned, like Gore, Moore also came under attack. If only Fox "News" and the so called "liberal media" were half as thorough fact checking the Bush administration.

Be that as it may; if "socialized medicine" - a GOP phrase that works exactly as intended - is so bad, why aren't the people of Canada, Europe and the Far East breaking down the walls of their governments, demanding an American-style health care system? Quite the contrary, in fact. When conservatives win power in these countries and try to privatize their systems, it's the public that has to be held down by rope.

But that's all besides the point. Because when the opportunity was there to engage, join the discussion, and debate issues no one can disagree - a cleaner planet, lower utility costs and affordable health care for all - Republicans did what they always do: attack, ridicule and insult.

Had conservatives instead offered their support for these causes (insert your own incredulousness here), participated in the discussions as intelligent, mature adults (insert laughter here) and offered practical ideas of their own (insert hysterical laughter here), maybe the future private plane Al Gore rides in would be more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly. And maybe they'd see a reduction in their utility and health care costs too. And that's what Live Earth and Sicko were about; not to hand the right ammunition in the form of cynical talking points. But that's exactly how they used them. Of course.

Other then their pugnacious temperament, contemptuous tone, antagonistic attitude and obstructionist intentions, what has the Republican Party and their base ever brought to the legislative table? Other then unimaginative talking points such as "less government," "lower taxes" and "letting the free market decide,"* what ideas have they offered? Other then a feckless, arrogant, incompetent and disastrous political agenda, what have they given the country? Other then creating a venomous political atmosphere that couldn't be more partisan, what have they accomplished?

Nothing, except that's exactly what they wanted to accomplish.

You see, the Republican Party and their base don't want to have a free and open exchange of ideas in a sincere, adult manner. Not because they're unable to defend their ignorant opinions with facts and logic - which they can't - but because their priorities aren't to prevent or solve problems. Ever. It's to usurp power, gain power, control power and hold onto power (see the Bush administration).

Therefore, since they couldn't be more wrong on the issues and are basically standing alone in the world when it comes to the environment and health care (and guns and abortion), Republicans can not, under any circumstances allow the facts, or logic, to come out - out of their fear of being proven wrong - because that would put their base and ultimately their power at risk (fat chance as it is).

So when a liberal tries to bring the facts to light, intelligently - whether it's Al Gore, Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann, Sy Hersh, Rep. John Murtha, Patrick Fitzgerald, Valerie Plame, her husband, Joe Wilson, or even Jon Stewart or Bill Maher (October 2007 insert: or even a 12 year old kid) - or when a country has the nerve to oppose George Bush (France, for example), the powerful Republican propaganda machine springs into action. They not only attack them, personally, and any liberal that moves, but also mobilize their base to "mount up and ride to the sounds of the guns."

It's a very well coordinated attack coming from all directions.

Insightful and inflammatory rhetoric is used on conservative talk radio to wake up the troops...ah, I mean base. Enemies are created, facts are distorted, upside down logic becomes fact and talking points are disseminated (December 2007 insert: Former White House Communications aide Dan Bartlett admits it.) (hey, someone has to do the base's thinking for them). Fox "News" picks it up from there with "reporting" of their own (September 2007 insert: this for example), with the rest of their hate, lies, insults and accusations spewed via the so called "liberal media." The cycle is completed when haughty conservatives - Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity etc. - chime in with their own cantankerous rhetoric. All to rile up the base, create a hostile political climate, divide the country, divert attention from the issues at hand, disrupt an honest debate of any kind, and most important, prevent "liberal" solutions from ever being considered, let alone implemented.

And we wonder why nothing ever gets done in Washington. "Mission accomplished."

(September 2007 insert: here's a perfect example how they rally the troops and divert attention. October 2007 insert: here's another, and another.)

But there's even more to this "battle plan."

The disastrous Bush/Republican record is ignored, lied, spun, blamed on Democrats, and spun again. And when they take petty, immature and vindictive actions against their opponents - Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, for example - the troops are there to come to their president's, and party's, aid, no questions asked. And that strengthens their commitment to "the conservative cause" even more. So not only does the GOP get to attack liberals - their favorite pastime - to minimize whatever fallout there was from their vindictive action, but also, and perhaps most important, it reinforces, and strengthens the base's (incomprehensible) allegiance to the party.

"Mission accomplished." Again.

Recruitment to this obsessed following starts with the basics, the foundation that the "party" is built upon (in this order): worshiping Ronald Reagan, wrapping themselves in the flag and repeating the words "freedom" and "democracy" as often as possible (ever since Iraq's WMDs turned out to be a lie, "freedom" and "democracy" has been used to justify the war - a war that had conveniently been named Iraqi Freedom; not to be confused with Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. It's also no accident that the words dominate Bush's speeches, press conferences and photo-ops. Republicans live for this arrogant crap. Also see the Freedom Tower in New York and Freedom Fries).

It's this fanatical American patriotism that impairs Republicans' reasoning and rationale (assuming they had any to begin with) to the point that they can defend the torturing of prisoners and justify a senseless, disastrous war. It's similar to radical Islamic fundamentalism that defends the torturing of infidels and justifies suicide bombings. Scary, isn't it?

So by the time the rest of the GOP talking points are repeated...and repeated...and repeated....the mindless and gullible don't stand a chance. For example, say "government is bad, government is bad, government is bad" over and over again - and then dismantle government so it is bad - the weak-minded will believe it and sign up (whatever creativity the GOP has is used when they replace the word "government" with "liberals," "Al Gore," "Michael Moore," "Bill Clinton," "Hillary," "Hollywood," "France" or that evil government-run health care system known as - no, not Medicare - "socialized medicine." Boogoody, boogoody, boo!).

"Congratulations, your indoctrination is now complete. Now, go scream at a liberal!"

Keep in mind, despite the horrible record that "less government" (Enron, [March 2008 insert: Bear Stearns] and FEMA's "response" to Hurricane Katrina), "lower taxes" (an exploding budget deficit and debt) and "letting the free market decide"* (skyrocketing health care costs) has had over the last 25 years, Republican candidates will still repeat those moronic talking points to their brainwashed base over and over again during their 2008 campaigns.

Whether or not they mean anything tangible isn't the point. It's that the base of the party believes in them, religiously (gee, what a surprise). And that's all that matters.

Is this what a political party in the United States is supposed to be about? Of course not. But it's exactly what a cult is all about. Why do you think the GOP gets their "followers" and "believers" very much involved in their attacks? It's to keep that intense hatred they have of liberals burning, to keep them foaming at the mouth, to keep them poised for the next attack, and most important, to keep them oblivious to the truth and tied to that leash the party attached to their noses so they'll never wise up and leave.

Gain. Control. Hold. Power.

With such irrational and destructive intentions, an incompetent, reckless and criminal record, led by a tyrannical regime that rules more like a demagogue, sect or cult out of a dogmatic doctrine then political party governing out of responsibility, civic duty and the Constitution, you'd think the Republican Party would be on the verge of collapse due to lack of support and funding. But despite falling poll numbers and fewer contributions coming in that's not happening any time soon. On the contrary; the GOP is still extremely powerful and will be just as competitive in next years elections as they always are. Besides, all they need are television networks, radio stations and conservative followers and believers...ah, I mean viewers and listeners...to solidify their base. And that's all that matters.

Hey, I said this was scary.

Since I'm attacking Republicans and accusing them of hypocrisy, I'm sure they'd attack me and accuse me of doing exactly what I'm accusing them of doing. Well, of course they would, how else do they defend themselves? But there's a big difference between me and them: intent.

My intent is for an open and honest exchange of ideas so we can solve the country's problems, as well as the world's, with the creativity, imagination and practical solutions they require. Republicans don't. Republicans can't. They have other priorities. And you don't have to look any further then their identical, self-defeating and counterproductive reactions to two separate events to see that.

* Does not apply to the oil, coal, gas, timber, airline, insurance, pharmaceutical, banking and finance industries.

October 2007 insert: A cult needs their followers to "keep believing" and it's not difficult when 1) they'll believe everything they're told, especially when they're given (erroneous) "information" that supports what they've already been told, and 2) they'll still believe what they've been told despite facts and logic to the contrary. That's what a cult is. So with the Internet filled with myths and hoaxes, the Republican Party/Cult uses them in forwarded e-mails - some with the Republican eye-catching heading, "What the Liberal Media Won't Report" - to feed their followers the "information" they need to keep believing and to keep screaming at liberals. Here.

December 2007 insert: The leader of this cult practically admits it: "...See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
- George Bush May 24, 2005 (here)

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