April 3, 2007

More White House Hypocrisy and Chutzpah


The Bush administration said the firing of eight U.S. attorney's were 'routine personnel matters that were the result of poor performance.'

Since when did "performance" matter to this White House?

After providing "evidence" on Iraq's WMDs that supposedly couldn't have been more wrong (even though there was no "evidence"), Bush gave CIA Director George Tenet a medal. After not sending enough troops to Iraq - and those he did send, were sent without the proper training, vehicles or armor and even less of a plan - Don Rumsfeld remained Secretary of Defense for three years. After playing a role in the childish and vindictive leaking of Valerie Plame's name, Karl Rove remained employed by this White House (and incredibly kept his "top secret" clearance), only to play a role in the firing of the U.S. attorney's.

And then there's "heck of a job Brownie," who resigned (too late) only because he became a laughing stock and symbol of a horribly incompetent administration.

So when did Bush really hold anyone accountable for anything?

Besides, out of the nation's 93 US attorney's, three of the eight who were fired ranked in the top 10 for prosecutions and convictions!

My God, this White House is so arrogant, they don't even care if their lies are the slightest bit believable. They hope you really are that stupid.

But wait, it gets better (or worse depending how you look at it).

During his radio address on March 24 Bush said that he doesn't want his aides testifying under oath on Capitol Hill because, "Members of Congress now face a choice: whether they will waste time and provoke an unnecessary confrontation, or whether they will join us in working to do the people's business. We have many important issues before us."

Since when did the "people's business" and "important issues" matter before?

Let's see, health care, Social Security, Medicare, New Orleans, the exploding budget deficit and debt, political corruption, no energy policy (other then throwing billions of dollars at the oil industry) and the lack of port security - just to name a few "important issues" of our time - have gone ignored by Bush. Heck, it took him over three years to barely acknowledge the disaster in Iraq. But all of a sudden it's 'we have more important things to do?' Give me a break.

In his March 20 news conference, Bush said: "...we will not go along with a partisan fishing expedition...It will be regrettable if they (the Democrats) choose to head down the partisan road of issuing subpoenas and demanding show trials...As we cut through all the partisan rhetoric...It's not too late for Democrats to drop the partisanship...My concern is they (the Democrats) would rather be involved with, you know, partisanship. They view this as an opportunity to score political points..." (bold mine)

Okay, that proves it: Bush is mentally ill. He has to be because if he was emotionally stable, there's no way he could have accused Democrats of playing "partisan" politics with a straight face.

How dare he! This colossal hypocrite has been playing nasty partisan politics and trying to "score political points" from the day he took office; even on "important issues" such as 9/11, Iraq and terrorism!

The lies, the immaturity, the duplicity, the obstinance, the arrogance, the incompetence, the belligerence, the hypocrisy and the chutzpah coming out of this White House are so far off the charts, that those words don't come close to accurately describing this nasty president, vice president, "political advisor" and crooked administration.

And to think conservatives are out there supporting him, spinning for him and rolling their eyes at liberals.

Yes, they really are that stupid.

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