October 30, 2005

Idea for Troop Withdrawal


It's very simple really.

Since the Iraq war is such a "noble cause" then there shouldn't be a problem by having soldiers who believe in it, fight it.

Therefore, soldiers in Iraq who love George Bush, who don't think he lied or misled the country into the war, who are willing to risk their lives for Iraqi's, who believe we're making "progress" and don't want to leave until the job is finished - and whose families believe that Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore are the enemy's - can continue fighting.

But any solider that feels otherwise can be discharged honorably and is free to come home.

Since Republicans keep telling us about all the "good news" in Iraq, and that the military voted overwhelming for Bush, I'm sure more then enough troops would stay and continue fighting.

This would put an end to the calls from liberals - all of whom supposedly hate America (October, 2008 insert: here), hate our troops and love terrorists - to "bring our troops home" since any solider that wanted to come home can come home.

So it's a win-win for Republicans. Not only can they "stay the course," but they wouldn't have to listen to the evil liberals protesting the war anymore.

Of course Republicans would try and spin their way out of this by saying you can't have soldiers pick and choose the wars their (arrogant and incompetent) Commander in Chief orders them to fight. But if the military is really behind this war as much as Bush tells us they are, then Republicans and their mindless and gullible base shouldn't have anything to worry about.

So why not put it to the test?

What's the matter brainwashed conservatives, afraid you'll be proven wrong and look like fools? Gee, I wonder why.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

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