August 20, 2005
When Would Republicans Oppose a War?
Originally Posted: July 2005
With Bush's poll numbers dropping, it was important for the White House to rile up its mindless and gullible base. And one way to do that is with "support our troops, pro-America" rhetoric, which is really code for conservative Republicans; meaning anyone who opposes the Iraq war - "liberals" - "hates our troops" and "hates America."
Contrary to what Republicans have been brainwashed into thinking, "liberals" do support our troops because we care about them, unlike their Commander in Chief.
But I'd like to ask "pro-war" Republicans to describe a situation where they'd question a President who started a controversial war that didn't go as planned.
The point being, if you're not blasting Bush for this mess his arrogant incompetence has got us into, and not questioning the war, even though there were no WMDs and therefore no "imminent threat," then under what circumstances - how far would a President have to go? - for you to ask questions, demand answers, and oppose an unnecessary war he foolishly started?
Or have we gotten to the point that a Republican President can start an unnecessary war - even mislead the country into it - have it turn into a colossal disaster, and conservatives would not only blindly support him and the war, no questions asked, but insult and ridicule anyone that didn't follow suit (obviously conservatives would hold a Democrat President to different standards)?
Remember, the Nazis made "Jews" the enemy very much the same way the GOP has made "liberals" the enemy and Hitler used that nasty hatred to build blind support too.
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