August 20, 2005
Thank You, Karl Rove!
Originally Posted: July 2005
After the Koran story appeared in Newsweek last month, I posted Bush's Brainwashed Base
I'd like to thank Karl Rove because his orchestrated comments about "liberals" wanting to give the 9/11 terrorists "therapy" proved my point.
With the disaster in Iraq taking its toll on Bush's poll numbers, Rove had to do something to rile up the mindless and gullible Republican base. And there's no better way to do that then saying "liberals" are soft on terrorism (which is ironic since it's the White House that's been soft on terrorism).
The reaction his insulting comments are getting from "liberals" is exactly what he was hoping for because it adds more fuel to the fire. And the reason why he hasn't retracted the statements (besides colossal arrogance) - and is getting strong support from the White House - is because it's all staged!
The hateful venom spewing out of the Republican party is bad enough. But by bringing this nasty, immature conservative "talk-radio" type attitude into the White House, it clearly shows what Bush and Rove have in mind for our country: "conquer" - and how they'll accomplish it - "by dividing."
These guys are getting scarier every day.
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