August 20, 2005

"Liberal" Media?


Originally Posted: Oct. 2004
Final Revision/Posting: May 2005

Number of consecutive months the "liberal" media obsessively spent on Bill Clinton lying under oath in a civil deposition - at least 12

Number of consecutive weeks the "liberal" media obsessively pounded Michael Moore and his movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11" - 3

Number of consecutive weeks the "liberal" media obsessively gave to the Swiftboat Veterans - 3

Number of consecutive weeks the "liberal" media obsessively spent on CBS's forged George Bush memos - 3

Number of weeks the "liberal" media spent on a forged document (Africa's "Yellowcake") that Bush used to gain support for the Iraq war - None

Number of weeks the "liberal" media spent on the Bush lie that Iraq's oil would pay for the war and rebuilding - None

Number of weeks the "liberal" media spent on the Bush lie that Iraq had "thousands of tons" of WMDs, which was the reason for the war in the first place - None

Number of weeks the "liberal" media spent on the fact that Bush, incredibly, never had a post-war plan or exit strategy for Iraq - None

Number of weeks the "liberal" media spent on the fact that Bush, incredibly, sent our brave troops into battle without the proper training, kevlar vests and armored protection - None

Number of weeks the "liberal" media spent on the mountain of evidence that proves Bush and Cheney used bogus information and unreliable intelligence to deliberately mislead the country into a totally unnecessary war that has turned into a colossal disaster - None

Number of DAYS the "liberal" media spent on a meeting (the "smoking gun") Tony Blair had with his security staff in 2002 that clearly showed he and Bush had already decided to invade Iraq even though they knew their case for war was "thin" but "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy" - None

"Liberal Media." Ha!

Anyone who believes the media is "liberal" must be as mindless and gullible as the GOP needs them to be!

September 2007 insert:

Nine U.S. Soldiers were killed in Iraq the same day that MoveOn's "Petraeus-Betray Us" ad appeared in the New York Times.

The number of times the four all-news cable channels mentioned the soldiers within the week: 2
The number of times the four all-news cable channels mentioned the ad within the week: over 500 (link)

If there's a liberal media, where the hell is it?

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