August 20, 2005
Kerry's Record?
Originally Posted: Oct. 2004; also published as a Letter to the Editor in the local newspaper
With all the hate and nasty attacks spewing from the Republican party and their supporters against John Kerry, you'd think HE was the one who...
Pulled strings 40 years ago to avoid the Vietnam draft; didn't even TRY to prevent the 9/11 attacks because he ignored the warnings from our intelligence services and the previous administration; squandered all the sympathy and support the world offered after 9/11; diverted from the war against al-Quaeda, which has allowed them to regroup and become more dangerous worldwide; lied, exaggerated and mislead the country into a totally unnecessary war in Iraq that has become a colossal disaster; created more terrorists and terrorism; had a net loss of jobs since the day he took office; turned a budget surplus into a exploding deficit; failed to do anything about energy, health care, Social Security or Medicare; repealed numerous environmental laws that benefited the oil, gas and coal industry's; instituted a drug benefit program that is a rip off to seniors and a windfall for the pharmaceutical company's; allowed the assault weapons ban to lapse; maintained an arrogant, stubborn, belligerent and obfuscating attitude; and not once taking responsibility or admitting to a single mistake...about anything.
Republicans are right. I wouldn't vote for anyone with such an incompetent, shameful and disastrous record like that either.
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