August 20, 2005

How Come?


Originally Posted: Aug. 2003

* How come the Republican party and their mindless and gullible constituency give such high marks to their hero, President Reagan, for the way he handled the military even though he was responsible for those marines that were killed in Beirut 20 years ago?

How come Republican sycophants on these message boards never bring that up, but are quick blast Clinton for Mogadishu, the USS Cole and Kobar Towers?

* How come it's alright for Republicans wanting to ban abortion but they blast Democrats for wanting to ban guns (which isn't even true because it's impossible!)?

* The GOP and their mindless and gullible constituency keep telling us that it's only the "tax and spend" Democrats who raise taxes. But how come when REPUBLICAN Gov. Riley of Alabama wanted to raise taxes we don't hear a peep out of them?

How come the GOP isn't ridiculing him as they do all the time with Democrats? How come Republican sycophants on these boards aren't knocking him as a "tax and spend liberal?"

Apparently Riley never got the memo that says to increase revenue you're supposed to CUT taxes. So by calling for an increase in taxes, it makes GOP look foolish.

But if "cutting taxes increases revenue" why not cut income taxes 99% across the board? And why stop there? Cut state income taxes, all sales taxes, all property taxes, all "sin" taxes - every single tax and government fee there is, Local, State and Federal - cut them all by 99%. Imagine all the revenue that would flood in!

That's called illustrating the absurd by being absurd.

* I hear that Rush Limbaugh and his mindless and gullible audience is all bent out of shape with the media and the Democrats because they're upset about 16 words in Bush's State of the Union speech that turned out not to be true.

During the Clinton years, Limbaugh told us every single day that "words mean things." How come words don't mean things when Bush says them?

* When Clinton wanted to use the military in Haiti and Kosovo, the Republicans, their mindless and gullible constituency, and Limbaugh, RELENTLESSLY kept asking, "what's our exit strategy? How will we get out?" "What's our exit strategy? How will we get out?"

Then they REPEATEDLY asked, "What's our exit strategy? How will we get out?" "What's our exit strategy? How will we get out?"

How come Bush was never asked those questions - not even once - in regards to Iraq and Liberia?

Just thought I'd ask.

But wait, I have more...!

* How come the GOP is considered such whiz's at the economy when the national debt soared under President Reagan?

And remember how the Republicans told us that the economic sky was going to fall in if Clinton's 1993 budget was passed? Not only where they wrong, they couldn't have been MORE WRONG (as usual) because the 90s were the biggest economic boom in US history!

So how come the GOP base constituency STILL foolishly believes in Republican economic "policy?"

* How come cable TV and phone rates have gone up when the GOP bragged that we'd see them decline after the Telecom deregulation bill was passed in 1996?

I know Clinton signed the bill, but "deregulation" and "competition" is what the Republican party is all about. It's the Democrats who are for nasty "big government" regulations, remember?

The Republicans also told us that electric bills would decline with "competition." Not only has deregulation given us Enron and higher rates, it's allowed politicians to neglect our energy concerns and power grids, even more so then they had before.

So with all the evidence to the contrary, how come the GOP continues to believe that "deregulation" and "competition" will lower utility rates?

With the Republican party's track record PROVEN to be SO wrong ALL THE TIME, how come their arrogant know-it-all constituency continues to gobble up their propaganda word for word?

Do they EVER think?

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