August 20, 2005

Bush's Twisted Logic


Originally Posted: Apr. 2004
Final Revision/Posting: Sept. 2004

Bush calls for an invasion of Iraq because of the "threat" they posed, but it turns out they weren't a threat at all. And we learned that Bush was indifferent to the al-Queada threat from the day he took office.

The White House can prove otherwise by simply making a big deal about a speech Bush made prior to 9/11 that mentioned al-Quaeda or bin Laden - just one. The fact that they haven't speaks volumes (however, Bush did speak extensively about missile defense and Iraq in 2001).

It also speaks volumes that the White House hasn't released the speech Condi Rice planned to give on 9/11. Because if she was going to mention the al-Quaeda threat, you KNOW they would have.

So now that I've established the truth, let me see if I have this straight:

Bush totally ignores a REAL "IMMINENT THREAT," then calls for a preemptive and elective war against a different "imminent threat," but pulls troops and resources out of Afghanistan that were going after the REAL "IMMINENT THREAT" that he ignored and had attacked us, to go after the "imminent threat" that wasn't a threat at all...

Anyone who can justify Bush's logic must be as mindless and gullible as the GOP needs them to be. Seriously.

...and as a result of his twisted logic, Bush has turned the REAL "IMMINENT THREAT" into a bigger and growing threat, and the "imminent threat" that wasn't a threat into a very dangerous threat that we'll have to deal with for years, probably decades.

Bush should be impeached and jailed for such "logic!"

But wait, there's more!

The excuse the White House gave for not taking action against the al-Quaeda threats in 2001, is because the intelligence they were getting wasn't "specific, verifiable or credible."

So let me see if I got this straight:

Bush ignores the al-Quaeda warnings that were coming from our intelligence agency's and his own CIA director - as well as the warnings his administration received from the Clinton transition - but he invades Iraq based on a document that turns out to be a forgery (Africa's "yellowcake") and the word of a notorious liar, thief and con man (Ahmed Chalbi).

Yup, sounds like more Bush logic to me!

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