August 20, 2005

Bush Spins Just Like Clinton


Originally Posted: Mar. 2004

Before the Iraq war, why lie and spin at all if the facts would have justified an invasion of Iraq on their own? Therefore, basic logic proves that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz etc. manipulated the facts.

Spinning (non-existent) health care policy and (irresponsible) budgets is one thing. But to spin bogus "facts" to gain support for a war - that would put American lives and limbs at stake - is not only impeachable, but criminal.

This senseless war was built around lies. And that has only lead to unbelievable spin that only a complete moron would try and justify.

I heard Paul Wolfowitz say on the on the radio that he "never said Iraq had a stockpile of weapons." Presumably, he said it with a straight face.

Bush and Rumsfeld have said they never used the term "imminent threat."

Then why did we invade? To send our troops on a vacation?

Their spin is extremely insulting and is a slap in the face to every soldier risking his or her life in Iraq.

Even Republicans who have carried Bush's water for him all this time should be outraged (the fact that they're not proves the leash the GOP attached to their noses is tied very tightly).

Whenever a politician gets into trouble, "Damage Control 101" is to deny whatever it is they did or said and try to wiggle out of it. Bill Clinton ring any bells?

So the fact that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz etc. are spinning like tops and running away from their own words proves how wrong they were, and what a bunch of phoney's they are; because anyone who spins is trying to wiggle out of something they've done wrong. And this is ridiculous.

Why has the media ("liberal media" Ha!) allowed the White House to get away with all this spinning?

Anyone with a pulse knows that Bush's reasoning for the war was Iraqs WMDs and the "threat" that they posed. But Bush knew that if he said the world was flat (hey, with his level of intelligence, you never know) his mindless and gullible constituents would believe it. So after conning the country before the war, he knew blind Republican support would continue despite idiotic spin afterwards.

After years of blasting and impeaching Clinton, who wiggled out of his scandals (none of which got American troops killed) by spinning and parsing his words, it's extremely hypocritical for the GOP and their moronic sycophants on these boards to see absolutely nothing wrong coming out of THIS crooked White House.

I'd sooner trust a $3 bill then these nauseating phoney's.

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