August 20, 2005
A Must Read
Originally Posted: Jan. 2004
Check out these articles from the New Yorker by Sy Hersh
Quite simply, Bush and Chaney needed a reason to go to war, so they made it up. Either that or it's incompetence. Doesn't matter, both are impeachable offense's as far as I'm concerned.
And while you're at it, check out the article by George Packer. He describes the incompetence and bungling of the postwar "plan".
Of course, Republicans will sneer about the "liberal" media. What "liberal" media? They've ignored all this!
Bush lies us into a war and risks the lives and limbs of our soldiers...where IS the media on this (heck, where are the Democrats?)?
"Now, back to Scott Peterson, Michael Jackson and Kobe Bryant..."
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